Date |
Description |
26/10/2022 |
Feedback from Project Owner: |
- Re-emphasize the main purpose of the platform as follows:
- To know the movement of funds (cash flow).
- To know the status of the investment portfolio and the profits and losses that have been obtained.
- To organize and make neat the taxations.
- The Placement Resource column of the Placement Information in the Deposit Placement Form needs to be changed to Source of Fund which explains the source of the funds, it could be a cash fund, it could be a disbursement from another Bilyet, and it could be a Bank fund.
- By choosing the Interest Rollover option does not directly affect the decision to Extend/Rollover the Deposit or not, those are two different things, and choosing the Interest Rollover option does not necessarily extend the Deposit automatically as it reaches the Due Date, it will only put the Interest into a new Amount of Placement as the user choose to extend the Deposit.
- Multiple currencies are not currently required.
- Maximum amount of days on the Base Date is 366 days, but filling out the Base Date cannot be offered as an option between 365/366 days only, because every Banks has their own calculation, there are based on 360 days, 365 days, 366 days, or else.
- The warning for each required information will immediately appear as the user has clicked on any required column yet left it empty or does not match the applied rules/formula of the selected column with the text box marked with red colour which indicates the column is required. Can also be given an asterisk on each required information.
- The Note Field is sufficient with the one provided at the very bottom of the form and not necessarily given in each information section.
- The Save as a Draft button is not required and the user will be able to submit an incomplete form and the form will automatically be saved as a Draft. |
| 04/11/2022 | Feedback from Project Owner:
- Requires a date filter to sort the data by date range to make it easier for the user to find certain data that falls within a certain date range.
- The default setting for index/displayed data need to be sorted from Newest to Oldest.
- Any characters on the Bilyet Number column are allowed, so it has no limitation to characters type nor restricted to only numbers, or whatsoever.
- Generally speaking, the interest will be paid in arrears. So the preferred default setting for the Interest Payment Method is In arrear.
- The Tax Rate can be filled with a value of 0, because there are cases where the Tax Rate is 0. |
| 07/11/2022 | Feedback from Project Owner:
- The cashback information column within the Placement Information section is following the information stated in the Cashback Information section and will be automatically filled.
- The Request feature for unauthorized users to make changes/updates or deletions to the Form is not necessary.
- Archives page is not required. Hence, as the removal action is taken on a Form, then the Form will be permanently deleted.
- The statement of “Interest Withdrawal” needs to be changed to “Realised Interest”.
- For every form creation that requires the user to choose a data reference, the data reference in which the user can choose needs to be changed to a Bilyet Number instead of a Deposit Placement form.
- The action button to create a new form besides the one on the Deposit Placement page needs to be moved into the row of any available data on the list, so each row of the displayed data should have an action button to take the creation from the selected data.
- The Correction information should be included in each form creation, so the Deposit Correction tab/page needs to be removed.
- The Deposit Placement which has been made will become a reference for the rest of the tabs/pages (i.e. Deposit Cashback, Realised Interest, Deposit Withdrawal, Deposit Rollover) and the data displayed on each page depends on the data of the Deposit Placement that has been made.
- The user can not take a removal action apart from the Deposit Placement page, meaning that the removal action should only be available on the Deposit Placement page, so once the user deletes a certain form on the Deposit Placement page, then the form on the rest of the tabs that are connected to the deleted one will also be deleted from each page. |
| 15/11/2022 | Feedback from Project Owner:
- On the Withdrawal and Rollover page, for any Deposit Placement that is past its due date, then the form will be stated as Overdue.
- To avoid ambiguity, the status of the form on the Deposit Withdrawal page may only be stated with three options, namely Incomplete, Withdrawn and Overdue. The Incomplete status indicates that the form is still active whether it already has a withdrawal value or not but certainly it has not been fully withdrawn and there are remaining funds left, whilst the Withdrawn status indicates that the Deposit Placement has been fully Withdrawn with no remaining funds left, and the Overdue status is stated for any Deposit Placement that is past its due date.
- As the user takes a Withdrawal action upon a certain Deposit Placement, then the selected Deposit Placement form that has been successfully withdrawn will no longer be available on the Deposit Rollover page, as it no longer requires an extension for the withdrawn Deposit Placements.
- Due to the user taking an extension action upon a certain Deposit Placement that has not been withdrawn, then the extended Deposit Placement will be available on the Withdrawal and Rollover page with new placement information.
- Requires a filter feature with Form Status to make it easier for the user to know which forms need action. |
| 05/02/2024 | Aini, Bu Stefani
1. Apa ending dari transaksi deposit
Keputusan : Perpanjangan / Penarikan deposit
- Bagaimana prosedur untuk update data pada investment
Keputusan : melakukan delete dari data pada stage terakhir dulu, hal ini dikarenakan untuk mencegah data yang tidak tertrace dan laporan bisa berubah rubah setiap saaat |
| 07/02/2024 | Aini, Bu stefani
1. Status pada form cashback dan interest bertujuan untuk apa ?
Keputusan : Bertujuan untuk menampilkan apakah dana yang diterima sudah lengkap
2. Bagaimana care user melakukan delete, sedangkan pada form investment belum ada fungsi untuk delete
Keputusan : Pada form investment ada menu delete
3. Apa trigger deposito akan diperpanjang atau di withdrawl
Keputusan : Tidak ada trigger, sebagai pengganti menggunakan fitur event agar user bisa segera tahu kapan deposito akan berakhir
| 07/02/2024 | Aini, Bu stefani
1. Dana yang diterima pada form with drawl itu dana apa ya ?
Keputusan : with drawl bertujuan untuk menerima dana penempatan deposit
| 09/02/2024 | Aini, Bu Stefani
Problem : Apakah ada proses withdrawal yang dananya dicairkan hanya sebagian dan sebagian lagi diperpanjang
Data : ada case data deposit dicairkan sebagian dan sebagian diwithdrawl
Keputusan : form deposit placement dapat dirubah dapat diterima sebagian, dan sebagiannya lagi bisa diperpanjang.
Problem : Deposit rollover ini sedikit membingungkan user karna setara dengan interest roll over
Data : untuk label rollover dirubah menjadi renewal agar bisa mempermudah user memahami fungsi dari modulnya
Keputusan : 1 Bilyet bisa digunakan oleh beberapa form deposit
Data : Bilyet tidak bisa dipilih ulang untuk placement yang beda induk.
Problem : Fungsi status pada form interest, cashback dan withdrawal untuk apa saja ?
Data : fungsi status sebenarnya ada dua yaitu untuk trace apakah dana yang diterima sudah lengkap dan data yang diisi sudah lengkap
Keputusan : Untuk status dibagi menjadi dua yaitu status form (kelengkapan data) dan status receival (jumlah amount yang diterima)
Problem : pada form interest kenapa ada dua jenis yaitu : form receive dan form correction, sedangkan pada form cashback tidak ada, apakah memang memiliki fungsi yang berbeda ?
Keputusan : Form correction dirubah menjadi form receival amount. perlakuan status form dan status receival amount mengacua pada mom no 4
- Problem : Ketika data cashback sudah diterima, tapi sebagian bagaimana pencatatan pajaknya ? apakah mengikuti yang diterima atau mengikuti yang dijanjikan
Data :
- seharusnya mengikuti nominal yang diterima, namun untuk saat ini bisa mengikuti data yang dijanjikan dan admin akan melakukan crosscheck manual
Keputusan : Tidak perlu difasilitasi untuk penerimaan pajak sesuai dengan yang diterima karna takutnya menambah kompleksitas
7.Problem : Bagaimana cara form deposit placement bisa mengetahui bahwa dana yang diperpanjang / diterima belum 100%
Keputusan : pada form deposit placement dibuat spt cash advance, dimana form bisa mengetahui ****
8. Problem : Bagaimana cara mengetahui jumlah nominal yang belum diterima pada form withdrawal atau form renewal kontrak
Keputusan : pada halaman index perlu menampilkan dana awal penempatan deposit dana yang akan ditempatkan.Jika pada form deposit placement awal dipilih interest roll over maka total dana yang akan ditempatkan (pokok + interest )
- Problem : dalam satu bilyet biasanya terdapat beberapa dokumen, dan user perlu trace berdasarkan data bilyetnya
keputusan : pada halaman index placement / withdrawal / interest dikelompokan berdasarkan data bilyet
- Problem : dalam satu bilyet hanya untuk satu bank
Keputusan : satu bilyet hanya untuk satu bank, karna proses perpanjangan deposit selalu menggunakan bilyet yang sama dan bank yang sama
| 13/02/2024 | 11. Problem : Nomor form perpanjangan sama seperti nomor form pada placement sehingga menyebabkan asumsi bahwa 1 bilyet bisa beberapa form deposit placement
Data :
- Pada halaman index tujuan ditampilkan form perpanjangan agar user bisa mengetahui bahwa perpanjangan sudah dilakukan beberapa kali
Keputusan :
- Pada halaman index dirubah menampilkan nomor form yang melakukan perpanjangan
- Pada form renewal dirubah nomor formnya menjadi anakan form deposit placement. contoh data :
Nomor form placement : DP/001
Perpanjangan ke 1 : DP/001/01
Perpanjangan ke 2 : DP/001/02
Perpanjangan ke 3 : DP/001/03
Perpanjangan ke 4 : DP/001/04
Perpanjangan ke 5 : DP/001/05 |
| 13/02/2024 | 12. role permission menggunakan check box sesuai dengan hasil testcase berikut : Link
Link mockup |
| 21/02/2024 | 13. Proses transaksi withdrawl / renewal itu akan dilakukan meskipun dana cashback / interest belum sesuai dengan dana yang dijanjikan.
hal ini dikarenakan tim investment baru bisa mengetahui ketika 2-3 setelah jatuh tempo |
| 21/02/2024 | 14. Ketika proses delete menggunakan sistem delete
Data :
- Standard project sesuai 6 standard data customer harus bisa ditrace dan dimaintain
Keputusan :
- Sistem delete menggunakan soft delete agar mempermudah user mencari data
- Setelah data terdelete maka data akan diarchive dan hilang dari halaman index |
| 28/02/2024 | 15. Pada laporan mutasi diperlukan data source of found untuk memberikan informasi summer dana
Data :
- sebelumnya source of fund ditakedown karna redundant dengan form bank
- bank merupakan form penempatan dana investasi
Keputusan :
- pada form deposit placement diberi kolom source of fund yang berisi bank & account bank |
| 12/11/2024 | 1. Untuk Bug interest due date tidak perlu disolve karna sudah direlease sesuai dengan permintaan user → update dibagian edit saja. Link |
| 12/11/2024 | 1. Bug “When : user input all keyword pada halaman index form (bug)” Difix dihalaman index placement : Link
- Bug “Amount of interest (gross)” di fix di Link (terjadi di create & edit)
- Bug “amount of interest (gross)” difix di Link (terjadi di create & edit)
- Bug “ Amount of Cashback” di fix di Link (Terjadi di create & edit)
- Bug “Mengirimkan notifikasi bahwa berhasil create form deposito placement (pass)” difix dilink Link (terjadi di create & edit)
- Bug “Jika data yang diinput tidak lengkap maka status form menjadi draft (pass)” → sudah tersedia fitur save as draft, sehingga fitur ini tidak relevan
- sort seharusnya bersadarkan "due date”
fix newest : Link
fix oldest : Link
- Setelah klik save status form menjadi completed (bug, saat ini untuk status form mencerminkan nominal saja. ini data sudah lengkap namun status form masih incompleted) Link
- Default filter data withdrawl berdasarkan yang paling terbaru hingga yang paling lama. Link
- Bug untuk cashback ketika yes & no : Link |